June Wrap-Up 2017

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well! I must say that I am very proud of my reading month in June. I feel like I definitely got my kick back in the reading game lol! So without further ado, let’s get started!

What I Read:

31451174A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses #3) by Sarah J. Maas
Genre: New Adult Fantasy
I have a full RANT review here. The review has a lot of spoilers so I wouldn’t recommend it if you haven’t read the book. Let’s just say that I was very disappointed and will not be reading more from this author.





32075662Our Dark Duet (Monsters of Verity #2) by Victoria Schwab ★★★★★
Genre: YA Paranormal, Fantasy
Amazing conclusion to the Monsters of Verity duology. I am still in my feelings and can’t quite believe it’s over. I have a non-spoiler review for it here. The review does however contain spoilers from the first book, please be cautious.





elizaEliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia ★★★★★
Genre: YA Contemporary
Ugh I absolutely loved this book and will recommend it for days to come! It is contemporary but it talks about some very important things like mental health, family dynamics’s, and friendships. I also loved how the author inserted some of the webcomic in the book. I have a non-spoiler review here.





27207807soft magic. by Upile Chisala ★★★★★
Genre: Poetry
I’m not sure if I’m going to do a review on this one. But definitely a FOREVER FAVORITE!! Wow this book should be read by all women, especially Women of Color. This one was amazing.
Goodreads Synopsis:
‘soft magic.’ is the debut collection of prose and poetry by Malawian writer, Upile Chisala. This book explores the self, joy, blackness, gender, matters of the heart, the experience of Diaspora, spirituality and most of all, how we survive. ‘soft magic.’ is a shared healing journey.



1088164160;recovery by Jasmine Smith ★★★★
Genre: Poetry
For anyone who likes break-up poetry, I would recommend this one. The author takes us through the ups and downs of a relationship and her thought process.
Goodreads Synopsis:
a collection of modern poetry surrounding the most vulnerable time – post-breakup. follow the journey of hurt on the road to recovery





35062842lavender petals and a wild heart by Cheyenne Raine ★★★★★
Genre: Poetry
Such a beautiful written collection. filled with curiosity, color, and wonder. I cannot wait to read more by this author!
Goodreads Synopsis:
A lavender sky of words, thoughts, poetry and prose written with love and curiosity. A collection inspired by the emotions that flow from the heart due to the gentle presence of a wild and adventurous soul. This book dives into the mixture of warm and lovely feelings that blossom when adoring another’s heart.


Poetry Posted in June:
a letter to the moon
some kind of self-love

for my short poetry, you can check out my instagram! link is at the end of this post ❤

I did a few memes this past June but the two that I will be featuring are the Top Ten Tuesdays since the others were WWW’s and Friday Reads.

TTT: Series I’ve Been Meaning to Start But Haven’t
TTT: Best Books You’ve Read in 2017 So Far

that is all for this monthly wrap-up! have you heard and/or read any of these books? let’s chat in the comments!

Instagram: @chicnerdreads
Twitter: @ChicNerdReads

Our Dark Duet (Monsters of Verity #2) by Victoria Schwab Spoiler Free Book Review

Title: Our Dark Duet (Book #2)
Series: Monsters of Verity
Author: Victoria Schwab
Genre: YA Paranormal, Fantasy
Publisher: Greenwillow
Format: Hardcover
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

our dark duet

Synopsis from Goodreads:


KATE HARKER isn’t afraid of monsters. She hunts them. And she’s good at it.

AUGUST FLYNN once yearned to be human. He has a part to play. And he will play it, no matter the cost.



Kate will have to return to Verity. August will have to let her back in. And a new monster is waiting—one that feeds on chaos and brings out its victims’ inner demons.

Which will be harder to conquer: the monsters they face, or the monsters within?

***there will be spoilers from the previous book, if you have not yet read This Savage Song, please do not read further. I have a non-spoiler review for This Savage Song here.


When reading Our Dark Duet, Schwab starts 6 months after the ending of This Savage Song. At first we jump into different perspectives with Kate and August in which we see two different sides of the spectrum. I love how Schwab expands her world and we see what is going on in two different towns, Prosperity and Verity. Kate had ran away to Prosperity in This Savage Song after the death of her father, meanwhile August stays behind in Verity.

In Prosperity, Kate hunts the monsters with a little help of a new set of characters that go by the name of The Wardens. In Verity, August becomes leader of the FTF and makes sure that the only humans who can trespass to safe grounds are humans with pure souls. Kate while in chase of monsters meets a new one that has never been spoken of and/or seen. When meeting this new monster, Chaos the Eater, some things are set in motion and everything goes downhill from there. August although being a leader is still struggling with the monster within himself while dealing with the ones outside and slowly but surely everything starts clicking.



Excuse me while I sit here and cry over that heart wrenching ending. WTF Schwab!!! How do you write such amazing books that leave me crying and hurting for dayyysss?!?! HOOOOWWWW?!?! An amazing conclusion to the Monsters of Verity Duology. I have never felt more satisfied by a series. Schwab left me with my heart in my throat and literal tears.

Our Dark Duet is the continuation of This Savage Song. After This Savage Song had ended, I was left in anticipation for this book. I was also left with a lot of questions, wondering about August and Kate and their whereabouts. Left with questions about other characters as well. And Schwab just took my soul and ran with it. Like if August played his violin and left me in bliss.

Our Dark Duet was filled with darkness, poetry, mentions of stardust, edge of your seat scenes, and tons of chaos. READ IT!

I really liked how Schwab gave us character development but also realistic characters that I was able to relate to. She did an amazing job in showing us their thought processing and what they were going through internally. Ugh, I love when books do that!

I absolutely loved the open-ending and just how raw it was. I couldn’t imagine the book with another type of ending, especially when the book was very dark. I found it to be much darker than This Savage Song, to me it was the perfect ending. Schwab had me on the edge of my seat and I couldn’t stop reading the book.

I am hoping that Schwab makes a spin-off for The Wardens.

so alone
it buries her
that sadness
swallows her
the only sound
a voice
her voice

please click here for credit and link

i would love to chat in the comments about this book!! what were your thoughts?

Instagram: @chicnerdreads
Twitter: @ChicNerdReads

This Savage Song Spoiler Free Book Review

Title: This Savage Song (Book #1)
Series: Monsters of Verity
Author: Victoria Schwab
Genre: YA, Paranormal
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



Synopsis from Goodreads:

There’s no such thing as safe in a city at war, a city overrun with monsters. In this dark urban fantasy from author Victoria Schwab, a young woman and a young man must choose whether to become heroes or villains—and friends or enemies—with the future of their home at stake. The first of two books.

Kate Harker and August Flynn are the heirs to a divided city—a city where the violence has begun to breed actual monsters. All Kate wants is to be as ruthless as her father, who lets the monsters roam free and makes the humans pay for his protection. All August wants is to be human, as good-hearted as his own father, to play a bigger role in protecting the innocent—but he’s one of the monsters. One who can steal a soul with a simple strain of music. When the chance arises to keep an eye on Kate, who’s just been kicked out of her sixth boarding school and returned home, August jumps at it. But Kate discovers August’s secret, and after a failed assassination attempt the pair must flee for their lives.

I buddy read this with my friend Lilly over at Lair of Books (check out her amazing blog)! We both had quite a ride with this book and I think neither of us can put it down. It’s just that good!! Before I get into this review I want to thank her for giving me music to listen while reading this. I placed on repeat Dark Violin Songs by Max Ablitzer

My Initial Thoughts After I Finished:


Seriously, I had to rush over Tumblr to get some sort of closure after I finished TSS. That ending had me like woah.

In This Savage Song we follow two characters Kate (human) and August (monster), their stories are told in third person which I enjoyed because although we follow their individual stories, we get told their mindset and their surroundings.

The first 50 pages were slow which I feel like is typical in Schwab fashion. However, there was building, getting to know this world that’s divided (literally, there’s a truce so you either live here or there) and getting to know the characters. Everything is so dark here, from the world to the characters to the cat.

My feelings on Kate:

crazy(but I ended up really liking her character)

My feelings on August:

shock.gif*whisper* my precious child

Sometimes the real monsters are humans and the people who are supposed to have your back, don’t. Kate trying to please her father by doing all these horrible things and August who tries to hide his monstrous ways by acting human.

I loved that we get tons of building here, nothing was rushed, and the action was on point. We have three different types of monsters in this book: Corsai, Malchai, and Sunai. The author described each one through a song:

“Corsai, Corsai, tooth and claw,
Shadow and bone will eat you raw.
Malchai, Malchai, sharp and sly.
Smile and bite and drink you dry.
Sunai, Sunai, eyes like coal,
Sing you a song and steal your soul.
Monsters, monsters, big and small,
They’re gonna come and eat you all.”

Everything takes place in Verity; North City that Kate’s father, Callum Harker runs and South City that August adopted father, Henry Flynn runs. You want protection from the monsters? Then you pretty much have to sell your soul to Harker for protection. And selling your soul always comes with consequences. The truce that’s between Harker and Flynn is about to break and a lot of stuff start spiraling out of control. We see all of this happening within this book.

I loved the writing. Have you read Schwab? She writes in this dark way that captivates you and she writes these characters with such raw personalities. Each character, even some of the side characters have an individual story to tell and I thought that was great.

My all time favorite side character that I absolutely love and would love even more if we had a book just for her is Isla. I felt like I connected with her so much.

tumblr_o9i5uzqf4h1qlsocno2_500Photo credit here

The plot has tons of suspense and thriller aspects in it that include monsters and humans. Following Kate and August, we also follow their fathers and what they really stand by at the end of the day. Callum Harker is just a selfish man who does what he needs to do for his own benefit, meanwhile Henry Flynn just wants peace and safety for everyone including the monsters. Although not all monsters can be saved due to their nature.

We see Kate and August both struggle with themselves and also struggle between right and wrong, good and evil, light and darkness.

I love that the author didn’t add romance here because it was not needed at all. It wouldn’t have added to the story, if anything, romance would’ve taken away from the greatness of this dark world. I definitely recommend this!!

Photo credit here