The Sunshine Blogger Award #3

It’s been such a long time since I’ve done a Sunshine Blogger Award! Whoaaaaaa!!! Thank you Flavia @ Flavia the Bibliophile for awarding me with this! Her questions are amazing and I cannot wait to read them! Also, definitely check out her awesome blog.


1.) Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
2.) Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
3.) Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
4.) List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

***Before we start, I want to make a note that if you ever tag me, please tag a blog post so that I can see it. For some reason due to my theme, I won’t get a notification/ping-back if you tag my about me or blog link. Thanks so much! Let’s get started!***


  1. What are you reading right now?
    Odd & True by Cat Winters
  2. What was your favourite read from 2016?
    OMG so many to choose from but I’ll have to say Illuminae by Aime Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
  3. What is your favourite read of 2017 so far?
    The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Definitely started off the year with a bang!
  4. Do you read more than one book at once? Why? Why not?
    The only time I ever read two books at once is if I am reading a fiction (any sub genre in this category) book and take a break to read a poetry book which doesn’t happen all the time. I cannot read two fiction books or two poetry books at the same time. My mind does not do well at all lol. I admire people who can read multiple books at the same time.
  5. Do you enjoy reading classics?
  6. What is your ideal reading spot?
    My bedroom, I can read well on my bed or the floor lol.
  7. Do you read when you travel?
    No I do not!!! I usually can read on the plane or car ride but I do not read on vacation.
  8. How many books do you read in a month (approximately)?
    My reading has slowed down tremendously this year due to being an author now lol. I would say 3-4 books per month.
  9. How many books do you read in a year (approximately)?
    About 50 to 60 books per year but that most likely will be lower this year.
  10. What is your favourite genre? Why?
    OMG this is so hard! No it isn’t lol it’s a tie between anything YA and poetry. I feel like I connect most to these genres, poetry for personal reasons and YA for the fun. I love reading action packed YA stories, oh it just takes me to another world!
  11. Do you read more during a particular season than other seasons?
    I read a lot more during Fall/Winter/Spring seasons because once summer comes, I have a lot of guest in my household *side eye* and that messes with my reading time.


I suck at tagging people and making questions up so I will definitely be passing this part lol. Call me a rule breaker? I would love to chat in the comments though! Do we have anything in common?

Instagram: @chicnerdreads
Twitter: @chicnerdreads

The Sunshine Blogger Award Part 2

Thanks to Maya The Book Explorer for tagging me!!! Sorry for not doing this sooner!!

The rules are as follows:

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Answer 11 questions set by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers to receive the award and write them 11 new questions to answer.


  1. When did you know you should start your own blog?
    I realized this when I knew I wanted to post my own personal writing and when I didn’t want to do booktube anymore. One night I just sat in front of my computer and figured it out…two months later here I am and I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY WITH MY BLOG =)
  2. What do you look at first: the book cover or the blurb?
    I look at the book cover if I’m at a bookstore but I usually go by reviews.
  3. Would you say you read a lot and can you stop reading in the middle of a chapter?
    I can’t say I read a lot because I have a full time job in which I’m the manager so I come home tired and I dedicate time to my dog (who I tell everyone is my son). I can stop reading in the middle of a chapter if I have something else to do that requires immediate attention.
  4. Name your top 5 favourite books?
    Top 5?!?!?! I actually can’t do that. So sorry lol.
  5. Do you read the book after the movie that’s based on that book is already out? And which is better, the movie or the book?
    No I do not read the book after the movie is out because I get extremely bored. However, I do like to read the book before the movie and THE BOOK is definitely better than the movie. My only exception for this would be The Maze Runner, I actually liked the movie way more than the book.
  6. Have you read the whole published The Game of Thrones book series? If yes, how long did it take to finish?
    No I have not and nor will I because I’m watching the show.
  7. Do you have book nights with your friends?
    Nope! All my book friends live far away from me =(
  8. You could be any book character you wanted…Who would you be and why?
    OOOOOOO this is so hard but I would have to say Feyre because Rhys *heart eyes*
  9. Do you think of yourself as a calm, quiet reader or as someone that expresses his feelings loudly when reading the book?
    I am a calm and quiet reader till a plot twist or abrupt scene occurs…then I’m like *gasp* “OMG YOU ASSHOLE!!!” “WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!” etc
  10. How old were you when you bought your first book and what was the name of it?
    Bought??? With my own money??? Lol I was 15 when I bought Crank by Ellen Hopkins
  11. Any advice for a new blogger?
    Definitely check out my Blogger Recognition Award where I have advice

I tag:


  1. Which side character you wish you read more about or had their own story?
  2. Heroes or anti-heroes? And Why?
  3. What’s your comfort genre?
  4. How do you feel about over-hyped books?
  5. Hardcover or paperback?
  6. How long have you been blogging for?
  7. Quote a line from the book you’re reading?
  8. How are you feeling today?
  9. Do you read one book at a time or multiple at once?
  10. What’s your occupation?
  11. Where are you from?

The Sunshine Blogger Award

I was tagged by Jordan at Fridays and Books, thank you so much Jordan for the tag!

The terms of this award are simple:

  1. Thank the person(s) who nominated you
  2. Answer the Questions that were given to you
  3. Nominate other bloggers for this award and give them your own questions to answer!
  4. Notify those others bloggers of their nomination


  1. What is your favorite book genre?
    I don’t have like a specific favorite but I would have to say Dystopian, Fantasy, Paranormal, and New Adult.
  2. What type of weather is your favorite to read in (i.e. out in the sun, inside while it rains, etc)?
    I don’t have problem reading rain or shine but I feel like the rain and snow sets the atmosphere for me to read in peace.
  3. Have you read a book that surprised you? Could be ending, plot twist, etc.
    Yes!!!! Examples: Allegiant, A Court of Mist and Fury, Delirium, Legend, Queen of Shadows.
  4. What author do you always auto-buy, no matter what the book?
    Sarah J. Maas, Jamie McGuire, C.C. Hunter, Ellen Hopkins, and Wendy Higgins.
  5. Do you prefer coffee or tea? Or neither?
    Both. Coffee in the morning and tea in the evening.
  6. Favorite classic book?
    The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
  7. Is there a blogger who’s posts you wait for/get excited for?
    Honestly, no. I look forward to all the post from all the bloggers I follow. Everyone has their own unique style of writing post and I love that.

Who I tag:

My Questions:

  1. What is one book you can read over and over?
  2. What is your favorite sequel in a series?
  3. Do you like to read in the day time or night time? And why?
  4. Do you prefer reading big books (500+ pages) or thinner books?
  5. At what age did you start reading for enjoyment?