The Seafarer’s Kiss by Julia Ember Spoiler Free Book Review

Title: The Seafarer’s Kiss
Author: Julia Ember
Genre: YA Fantasy, Retelling, LGBTQ+(Bi)
Publisher: Duet Books
Format: Paperwork
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Synopsis from Goodreads:

Having long-wondered what lives beyond the ice shelf, nineteen-year-old mermaid Ersel learns of the life she wants when she rescues and befriends Ragna, a shield-maiden stranded on the mermen’s glacier. But when Ersel’s childhood friend and suitor catches them together, he gives Ersel a choice: say goodbye to Ragna or face justice at the hands of the glacier’s brutal king.

Determined to forge a different fate, Ersel seeks help from Loki. But such deals are never as one expects, and the outcome sees her exiled from the only home and protection she’s known. To save herself from perishing in the barren, underwater wasteland and be reunited with the human she’s come to love, Ersel must try to outsmart the God of Lies.

Finally!!! A mermaid book that’s definitely worth the read! After reading many amazing reviews, I had very high expectations and was not the least disappointed.

This book is only 212 pages, therefore this review will be short. The Seafarer’s Kiss was a wonderful read filled with action and self-acceptance. We meet Ersel right on the first page with her fondness of human goods that lay deep in the ocean. She collects these things in secret and holds them dear to her heart. I have read that this is The Little Mermaid retelling and although it holds true in some aspects, I loved The Seafarer’s Kiss for it’s own beauty of the characters and world. I also loved how Norse Gods (trickster Loki) and pirates were incorporated within this book and again, although short, the book was definitely to the point.

Ersel is trying to get away from a fertility grading that happens every year and when escaping, she meets Ragna the shield-maiden who so happens to be human. Ragna who was left to fend for herself now has Ersel’s help, to save not only herself but something else. However, when Ersel’s long time best friend sees Ragna and Ersel together, things start to unfold. When these things unfold, that’s where the trickster God, Loki, comes into play and you will be left on the edge of your seat for the rest of the book.

My only tad bit of a problem with this beautiful book was that I wish it was longer and extended some of the scenes more. I loved how each and every character played an important role in Ersel’s life. And not only was this an f/f retelling but it was also about personal growth. Julia Ember delivered an important message throughout the book and was inclusive with sexuality, gender, and body. Now, the reason why I am being so vague here is because I feel like the synopsis tells a lot of the story and the events.

I feel like this book can be a series for sure!

Credit for this aesthetic goes to author, click here.

have you read this book or plan on it?
let’s talk in the comments!

Instagram: @chicnerdreads
Twitter: @ChicNerdReads
Goodreads: Gretchen (ChicNerdReads)

38 thoughts on “The Seafarer’s Kiss by Julia Ember Spoiler Free Book Review

  1. So glad to see you enjoyed this one twin! I was planning on reading it soon but now that I’ve read your review, I’ve bumped it up on my TBR! I had no idea that there was Norse Mythology sprinkled throughout & HELLO Loki! That’s Bae 😂😂😂 loved your review & Julie’s aesthetic seems dead on 👌🏼Is there a sequel? Or is this a standalone?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks twin!!! I think this read would be perfect for you when you want to read something short and quick after a heavy read. This is a standalone but it definitely gives room to a sequel! You’ll see what I’m saying when you read the book ❤


  2. Wow this sounds like an incredible book Gretchen! I’d heard a little about this, a few people mentioned it to me as a Little Mermaid retelling, but until now I’d never seen a review for it. Your review has convinced me I need to read this ASAP! I like the sound of the character development throughout this book, I already love Ersel’s character, and I’m really intrigued by the fact that Loki is in this story as well. Basically it has everything I love in books!
    Great review! 😀 ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds like a fun and heartfelt read. I’m definitely going to give this one a try now, the characters seem amazing. Glad you loved it. Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This book sounds amazing!! I haven’t heard much about it until now. I definitely need to get my hands on it as soon as possible! Great review. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh nice! Every time I attempt mermaid it is never good and that is so sad. I am excited about this! I admit though that it is a little hard to picture it as a retelling. It almost sounds too original huh 😉 I love the cover tooo. Swooon ❤ Added it!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve been hearing so many great things about this book! I so rarely come across great mermaid books and never a Little Mermaid retelling. I definitely need to try to get my hands on this one and read it soon. Great review as always, Gretchen!! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I am definitely planning on picking this one up as I adore mermaids and have YET to read a mermaid book that I felt was well done.

    “I have read that this is The Little Mermaid retelling and although it holds true in some aspects, I loved The Seafarer’s Kiss for it’s own beauty of the characters and world.”

    I think there is definitely a balance when it comes to a “good re-telling.” You want some elements you recognize from the original, but with a fresh new twist. I often hear people complaining that a retelling was too close to the original, or other times a retelling did not have any recognizable elements from the original. It sounds like this is a well balanced retelling!

    Too bad it’s such a short book 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • I really disliked that this book was so short! However!! I hope this goes into a series if people keep asking for it because the potential for MORE is definitely there! This book was a definitely well balanced retelling, loved what you wrote ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  8. […] The Seafarer’s Kiss by Julia Ember ★★★★★ Genre: YA Fantasy, LGBTQ+, Retelling I thought this Little Mermaid retelling was amazing!!! It was the perfect balance of a retelling with originality. Add some Norse Mythology into the mix and you have The Seafarer’s Kiss! I have a review here. […]


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