Q&A Part 2 – continuing the celebration of my one year blogiversary!

Hi everyone!!! Today I will be continuing the questions and answers for my one year blogiversary! I still cannot believe that my blog has turned one year old. whoooaaaaa!! to check part one, click here =)

Beth @ Reading Every Night

Q: What is your favourite poem that you’ve written; be it part of your love & you collection or not? 
A: ‘dear pretty little thing’ which was first featured on my blog and then became a part of my poetry book love, and you. i literally wrote that out of nowhere one night and didn’t even realize what i had written till i read it.

Q: What is your favourite poem by another author?
A: ooooo this one is hard but I’m going to go with a classic which is Alone by Edgar Allan Poe.

Q: Other than publishing your book and reaching your one year blogiversary what has been the high point of your year?
A: My high point of the year has been accepting my unapologetic self with whoever was or is around me.

Q: If you could recommend one book to everyone, what would it be?
A: Beth!!! You are killing me softly with these questions lol. I’m going to go with the first book that came to mind and that is Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo.

Q: Do you have any exciting blogging plans for next year?
A: I have some ideas but I haven’t thrown it out there because I get the worst luck when I speak out loud what I want to do lol. Therefore, I will work on it and see how it goes =D

Q: What would you say is your life goal, and have you achieved it yet?
A: My life goal was to publish a book and yes I definitely achieved it!! *starts dancing*

Azia @ The Uncharted Word

Q: When did you start writing poetry and what inspired you?
A: I started writing poetry at about 11 years old. Inspiration is a little weird here, so let me explain lol. I sing and song write, so poetry feels pretty much the same. I would say that music inspired my poetry and learning poetry from school as well.

Meghan @ Whimsically Meghan

Q: How has blogging rocked your world? 
A: BLOGGING IS AMAZING!! Honestly, blogging has helped me a lot with my anxiety. I am a very anxious person, add to that a lot of other mental instabilities that I have…I’m just overall not mentally okay half the time. So blogging has definitely helped me calm down and focus on more positive things rather than the negative. ALSO!!!! Blogging has made me discover sooooooo many different books out there and I also love how diverse the community is too. Meeting people from all around the world with our love for books and writing is so freaking awesome. I cannot express how much I love the community.

Poulami @ Daydreaming Books

Q: What is the one thing that you love the most about blogging and writing/poetry? 
A: Blogging, I love interacting with people and their opinions on books. Rather it be that they didn’t like it, are interested, or we find ourselves gushing over the book. I love that I can be myself without feeling judged as well. One thing I love most about writing/poetry is simply being myself through my writing and seeing how people interpret my writing. OMG I absolutely love reading the comments of what people thought about a piece and how they interpret the piece. It’s really great.

Hannah @ Mortal Reader

Q: Can I have your dog? I think he will like a summer in the UK?
A: Hannah, I am sorry to say this but no you cannot have my dog lol. He hates summer as well lol.

Q: What was the moment you realized you could make your poetry into a book and outside of your blog? Like was there a moment it hit you like this is going well I would love to try it? (Hope that makes sense)
A: Definitely makes a lot of sense! I hit that realization with ‘love, and you’ when I wrote most of it in one sitting. It really just came to me out of nowhere and I was like “hmm maybe I should make this into a book” and that’s when it unraveled. With my segment of People I Once Knew, which was a part of my blog first, a lot of people had mentioned to me that maybe I should make a book out of it. I took it into consideration and loved the idea so now I am running with it.

Q: What was a book that made you fall in love with reading?
A: The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett!! I remember my mom came with a bag full of free books that she found. I reached into the bag and took that one out, I read it and loved reading ever since.

Q: What’s one piece of advice you would give to your younger self if you could?
A: “people aren’t going to get you. they’re going to think you’re weird as fuck. that’s okay, let them think that way. different is beautiful.” -me

Jackie @ Death by Tsundoku

Q: What is your favorite book to re-read and why?
A: Surprise surprise!! I don’t re-read books *hides face* …I mean I would love to but I honestly don’t have the time and the time I do have, I prefer reading something new lol.

Q: What is the best thing your dog has ever done for you?
A: The best thing my dog has ever done and still does is be there for me the instant he feels me sad, crying, or going through an anxiety attack. He just knows and doesn’t let me go. He has literally licked my tears and hug me.

Q: What are the worlds best pizza toppings?
A: Meat Lovers Supreme by Pizza Hut. I love Chicken BBQ. Or Chicken, Bacon, and Ranch on pizza!

Q: If you could visit anywhere in the world RIGHT NOW where would you go?
A: I’d go to Bora Bora!!! It’s beautiful without the masses of human beings. Still on my bucket list!

Melissa @ Igndrynerdymel

Q: What was your fav book(s) growing up? That kept you going? And today?
A: Favorite growing up: The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Favorite Books that kept me going: The Blue Girl by Charles De Lint, and the Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld.
Today? mmmm I can’t quite say because I read so many that’s hard lol.

Luna @ imaginarymargo

Q: Since releasing your book have you learned anything new about yourself?
A: Yes I have learned that on the days I feel low (emotionally and mentally) to not check how my book is doing cause it bums me out and gives me more anxiety.

Q: Where/What do you draw strength from?
A: Myself, my family, a few friends, and my writing.

Q: Do you believe in the supernatural?
A: Yes I believe in the supernatural.

Amanda @ Cover 2 Cover Mom

Q: If you died tomorrow, what would you want to be written on your tomb stone?
A: “And all I loved, I loved alone.” -Edgar Allan Poe

Q: If you could punch one person in the face (past, present, real, or fictional) who would it be?
A: JUST ONE AMANDA?!?!?! omggggggggg lol. So here’s a semi secret that I’m about to spill, there’s one person that I have always said if I crossed paths with, I wouldn’t think twice to punch in the face.

and that is all for now!!! if you want to discuss any of the questions and answers, feel free to comment! I hope you all have a lovely day ❤

Instagram: @chicnerdreads
Twitter: @ChicNerdReads
Goodreads: Gretchen (ChicNerdReads)

Q&A – Part 1! i can’t believe my blog turns 1 today

It’s my one year blogiversary today and I cannot believe it’s been a year already!!! A FREAKING YEAR!! I have learned so much throughout this year and have met some really amazing people. Blogging has been such a great experience for me. Thank you all for riding along with me. I am so happy to be here. I would’ve never thought I would make it this far and stay CONSISTENT! I know I miss out a week here and there but for the first time, I’m actually consistent and not abandoning ship here.

Reminder that my poetry book love, and you is 99¢ via kindle today!!! Click on the photo for the link!

I posted a Q&A announcement earlier this week and many of you asked me questions! This blog post will be dedicated to those questions! Let’s get started =)

Misty @ mistysbookspace:

Q: Will you be writing another poetry book?
A: Yes!! I have a few in mind! One of them is pretty much done.

Q: What is one thing you have learned while blogging that you think other/newbie bloggers should know??
A: Take part in the community! I think it’s important to give back to the community and I mean that as in commenting and liking other people’s post. And definitely don’t be afraid to be yourself on your blog!

Danielle @ Books, Vertigo and Tea

Q: If you could look back to when you very first decided you wanted to publish a full book what advice would you give yourself?
A: To relax and take it easy. And that your book isn’t for everyone so just because someone doesn’t like it, doesn’t mean I’m not a writer or that my experiences aren’t genuine. I have stressed myself and lost so much sleep over my first book baby that my body literally responded in a negative way to it. Which isn’t great, you know? But I’m a lot better now and on the days I feel low, I don’t check my stats and/or ratings at all.

Q: Is there anything all at that you feel you would do differently?
A: Yes! I wish would’ve looked for help (ex: therapy) sooner rather than later. I feel like that could’ve helped me a lot more with my mental state and anxiety.

Stephanie @ TeacherofYa

Q: When can you DM me and tell me about how you got your book published?
A: I’m self-published and I used createspace to publish my book.

Q: How long have you been blogging and what was your genre of choice when you started?
A: I have been blogging for exactly one year!! And I didn’t have a genre of choice because I love reading anything that interest me =D

Q: Did you always intend on your blog being an outlet for your poetry?
A: I definitely created my blog with the intent of sharing my love for books and sharing my writing pieces since booktube didn’t workout for that. I didn’t initially have poetry in mind but that just flowed out of me naturally, so yes? lol

Amanda @ Caffeinated Constellations

Q: If a poet uses a pen name do you recommend they register the copyright with the US copyright office before publishing?
A: oooooooo this one is hard because I use my real name and never looked up any of this info, I would definitely say though to register with US copyright office for sure! Make sure poet has all their paperwork ready before publishing the book so that way when the book is out, they have no problems with copyright infringement and the IRS (royalties).

Q:What advice would you give to a poet who really wants to self-publish but has self-doubt?
A: I would ASK if they were to place self-doubt aside, would they feel that their book is ready to publish? And if the answer was yes, I would then advice them that as long as they have that hope, let that hope drive them to publishing. I learned that self-doubt (in my case) is always there but as long as you have the drive and this is a goal that you want to accomplish, you have to pretty much fight with yourself and self-doubt. But when you win over yourself, it’s an amazing feeling that no one can give you but yourself.

Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm

Q: In your first year of blogging what achievement gave you the most sense of satisfaction and accomplishment?
A: my consistency in blogging and posting my writing pieces was the greatest achievement! I honestly tend to give up on things which is why I am super in shock that I’m even doing a one year blogiversary today because I thought I wasn’t going to make it this far lol.  Also! Posting my writing which is something very personal is really huge to me =)

Tiana @ The Book Raven

Q: What is it about poetry that draws you to it? 
A: I love how simple and complex poetry is all at the same time. I love how one stanza can be so short but pack so much power. It’s hard to even explain, the fact that you can say/write something so empowering with simple words draws me to poetry.

Q: And was there anyone in your life that introduced you to poetry?
A: No one specifically introduced me to poetry. My earliest memory of learning poetry was in school.

Lilly @ Lair of Books

Q: Will we be seeing more from your People I Once Knew series?
A: This will be a book in 2018! However, for copyright reasons, I will not be posting anymore of those poems here on the blog.

Q: What would you say has been the most valuable lesson you’ve learned while blogging? Any tips/advice for new bloggers?
A: Most valuable lesson is consistency with posting blogs and giving back to the community! Both of these things go hand in hand with one another! Tips for new bloggers is just to be yourself, make sure your blog is easy to navigate, and don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Sometimes thinking outside the box (ex: having a unique approach to writing reviews, tags, memes, etc) can be a really good thing for your blog.

Jessica @ Breathe and Read

Q: What was your favourite part of publishing your collection? 
A: Wow this is such a hard question! I think my favorite part of publishing was when I held the final copy in my hand. Knowing that one of my biggest dreams came true when I clicked the published button on CreateSpace was bittersweet. Side note to Jessica, I hope you publish your book! I feel like every writer knows when their book is ready and shouldn’t add more, it’s like a gut feeling. You got this!

Sydney @ Fire and Rain Books

Q: What is the first book you remember reading? 
A: The first book I remember reading is Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss


to be continued tomorrow!

Instagram: @chicnerdreads
Twitter: @ChicNerdReads
Goodreads: Gretchen (ChicNerdReads)