Currently Reading

Last night I finally decided to dive into the world of The Mortal Instruments and OMG, I am so happy that I finally started this series. I am currently on the first few pages of City of Bones. I will not lie that it has gotten a little hard for me to separate the character descriptions from what I’m reading then from what I’ve seen the characters to look like (due to the show, tumblr hype, and twitter hype). However, I’m getting there. It’s an easy read and I should finish in no time. I do really want to get to The Infernal Devices though because of how I heard the world is set up.

19 thoughts on “Currently Reading

  1. The infernal devices is the best trilogy ever. My favorite, hands down. I even have a tattoo quote from the second book 😉
    But I do love TMI so much! I hope you love it! The second book gets a little slow in the middle, in my opinion, but it’s definitely worth reading through! The whole series is amazing.

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    • Thanks for letting me know about the second book. I will put that on my mental checklist when I get to it. I’ve heard such amazing things about The Infernal Devices, I can’t wait to get to it lol.

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      • It’s seriously the best ❤ If you are curious, I think the best order to read them in is the first three books of TMI (city of bone, ash, glass) then read all three of the infernal devices books (clockwork angel, Prince, and Princess) and then the last three books of TMI (fallen angels, lost souls, heavenly fire). 🙂 That way you can avoid spoilers! Cause the last book of TMI does spoil some of TID. And the way City of Glads ends, you won't need like you need to immediately get into the next book.

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      • Awesome!! Thanks so much. I did hear something similar but instead the order I heard was: Glass, Angel, Fallen Angels, Prince, Lost Souls, and Princess. What do you think would work better for me? Thank you.

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      • That seems confusing 😂😂 But I think either would work! There might be some super tiny spoilers that you would avoid if you read them that way, but nothing I can think of that’s important. And I personally think reading all of TID all in a row makes them more magical. But either way should be fine! 🙂

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      • Lol, okay! I think that way should be totally fine! It’s the way I had my boyfriend read them last year and he loved them. And he didn’t mention any spoilers I might have forgot about when I just asked him 😉

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  2. I really struggled with the first book, but I want to eventually read the second book and see what I think! I hope you have a more positive experience than I did, haha 😊 I have heard lots of great things about The Infernal Devices though so if I can’t get into TMI I think I’ll still try those ones out.

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    • My friend also struggled with the first one and just like you wants to read The Infernal Devices. I’ve heard about tons of people who couldn’t get into TMI but still thoroughly enjoyed The Infernal Devices so I would say to not force yourself with TMI. Some books aren’t just meant to be for us lol and that’s okay!


  3. This series has been on my TBR for so long! I first started it in audiobooks before going to sleep, but obviously I fell asleep everytime since I was tucked in bed and all… But now your post makes me want to give it a second chance! (On print, this time…)

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